Advisory Council
Jens Aerts
Senior Urban Planner & CEO, OSLUM
Merve Agca
International Cooperation and Migration Policy Expert, Marmara Municipalities Union
Afnan Agramont Akiyama
Associate Professor, Universidad Catolica Boliviana
Zaheer Allam
Honorary Fellow, Deakin University
Lilian Apaza-Vargas
Researcher, Noel Kempff Mercado Museum
M. Cemil Arslan
Secretary General, Marmara Municipalities Union
Sahar Attia
Professor of Architecture and Design, Cairo University, Managing Director, Associated Consultants
Madhav Badami
Associate Professor, School of Urban Planning and McGill School of Environment
Xuemei Bai
Distinguished Professor, Australian National University
Harshad Barde
Director, Swach Pune Seva Sahakari Sanstha
Erin Barnes
Co-Founder & CEO, ioby
Michael Berkowitz
Founding Principal, Resilient Cities Catalyst
Guillermo Bernal
Director, Fundación Placemaking México and Lugares Públicos
Alain Bertaud
Senior Research Scholar, Marron Institute of Urban Management, New York University
Gautam Bhan
Senior Lead, Academics and Research, Indian Institute for Human Settlements
Saul Billingsley
Executive Director, FIA Foundation
Eugenie L. Birch
Lawrence C. Nussdorf Professor of Urban Research & Education, University of Pennsylvania
Samuel Bonnet
Senior Advisor, International Committee of the Red Cross
Stefan Bouzarovski
Professor of Human Geography, University of Manchester
Uwe S. Brandes
Faculty Director, Urban & Regional Planning, Georgetown University
Harriet Bulkeley
Professor, Department of Geography, Durham University
Cat Button
Senior Lecturer, Newcastle University
Yves Cabannes
Emeritus Professor of Development Planning, Chair of Development Planning, University College London
Ezgi Küçük Çalışkan
Urban Planning Coordinator, Marmara Municipalities Union
Maruxa Cardama
Secretary General, SLoCAT Partnership
Vanesa Castán Broto
Professorial Fellow, Sheffield Urban Institute and Department of Geography, University of Sheffield
Alice Charles
Lead, Cities, Infrastructure & Urban Services, World Economic Forum
Winston Chow
Associate Professor of Science, Technology and Society, Singapore Management University
Amelia Clarke
Associate Dean of Research & Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment, University of Waterloo
William (Billy) Cobbett
Director, Cities Alliance
Sylvia Croese
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of the Witwatersrand
Clarisse Cunha Linke
Country Director, ITDP Brazil
Richard Dobson
Co-founder and Project Leader, Asiye eTafuleni
David Dodman
Director, Human Settlements Group, International Institute for Environment and Development
Eric Dumbaugh
Professor, Florida Atlantic University
Skye Duncan
Director, Global Designing Cities Initiative at NACTO
Karim Elgendy
Lead Sustainability Consultant, Dar
Emrah Engindeniz
Programme Manager, UN-Habitat
James Evans
Professor, Human Geography, Manchester University
Anthony Flint
Senior Fellow, Office of the President, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Marta Foresti
Director, ODI Europe
Vimal Kr Gahlot
Honorary Director of Adv. CMG Centre for Research & Sustainable Development, Bikaner, Rajasthan
Mariana Gallo
Programme Lead, World Habitat Awards
Geraldine Gardner
Executive Director, Centralina Council of Governments
Franz Gatzweiler
Professor, Institute of Urban Environment
Haluk Gerçek
Emeritus Professor, Istanbul Technical University (ITU)
Mehrnaz Ghojeh
Programme Manager, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group
Bipashyee Ghosh
Lecturer in Engineering, Innovation and Public Policy, University College London
Diza Gonzaga
Director, DetranRS
Cynthia Goytia
Professor and Director of the Graduate Program on Urban Economics, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella
Ellen Hamilton
Lead Urban Specialist, World Bank
Louise Harpoth
Chief Operating Officer, Phoenix Design Aid
Fiona Harvey
Environment Correspondent, The Guardian
Matt Hoffman
Managing Partner, HousingTech Ventures
Jordi Honey-Roses
Research Associate, Institute for Environment, Resources and Sustainability (IRES)
Naomi Hoogervorst
Programme Officer, Senior Urban Planner, UN Habitat
Philip Hubbard
Professor of Urban Studies, King's College London
Samar Ibrahim
Associate Director, MENA Government Market Enablement Leader
Neil Jeffery
Chief Executive Officer, Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP)
Eddie Wasswa Jjemba
Urban Resilience Advisor, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre
Guilherme Johnston
Senior Specialist, Interact Programme
Maria Kaika
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Amsterdam
Ariana Karamallis
Global Advocacy & Development Associate, Build Change
Michael Keith
Director, Peak Urban Research Programme, and Professor, COMPAS, University of Oxford
Ethan Kent
Executive Director, PlacemakingX
Thomas Kerr
Principal Climate Policy Officer, International Finance Corporation
Annette M. Kim
Associate Professor, Sol Price School of Public Policy, USC
Florian Koch
Professor of Real Estate Management, Urban Development and Smart Cities
Dražen Kučan
Senior Investment Operations Specialist - Urban & Water Sectors, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Monika Kuffer
Assistant Professor, University of Twente
Suman Kumar
Project Lead, GIS & Urban Planning, Urban Expansion Observatory
Amitabh Kundu
Distinguished Fellow, Research and Information System for Developing Countries
Debolina Kundu
Professor, National Institute of Urban Affairs
Levent Kurnaz
Climate Scientist & Science Communicator
Pawan Kumar Labhasetwar
Scientist and Head, Water Technology and Management Division, National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
Harriet Lamb
Cecilia Martinez Leal
Board Chair, WRI Mexico
Loretta Lees
Professor, Human Geography, University of Leicester
Nora Libertun de Duren
Adjunct Associate Professor, Columbia University
Anthony Ling
Urbanist, Founder and Editor of Caos Planejado
Barbara Lipietz
Associate Professor, Development Planning Unit, University College London
Ana Mercedes Lozano Celis
Social Management Team, Metro de Medellin
Niels Lund
Vice President, Global Prevention and Health Promotion, Novo Nordisk
Darshini Mahadevia
Visiting Professor, Ahmedabad University
Sasha Mahajan
Associate Urban Planner, Jacobs
Adalberto Maluf
President of ABVE - Brazilian Association of Electric Vehicle
Martha Martorelli
Planning Manager, Brazil Ministry of Cities
Joy A. Mboya
Executive Director, The GoDown Arts Centre, Nairobi, Kenya.
Kes McCormick
Associate Professor, Lund University
Diana Mitlin
Professor of Global Urbanism and Managing Director of the Global Development Institute, University of Manchester.
Brett Moore
Global Shelter Cluster lead, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Braulio Eduardo Morera
Director, 50L Home
Juan Carlos Munoz
Professor of Transport Engineering and Logistics; Director of Center of Sustainable Urban Development (CEDEUS)
Michael Murphy
Founding Principal and Executive Director of MASS Design Group
Harini Nagendra
Professor, Azim Premji University
Sameh Naguib Wahba
Global Director, Urban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience and Land Global Practice
Shipra Narang Suri
Coordinator, Urban Planning and Design Branch at UN-Habitat
Lakshmi Narayan
Co-founder, Kagad Kach Patra Kashtakari Panchayat Trade Union
Patric Ndlovu
Co-founder and Senior Project Officer, Asiye eTafuleni
Ivan Weichean Ng
Owner & CEO NGard Ventures
Lin O'Grady
Deputy Head, EBRD's Sustainable Infrastructure Group
Cathy Oke
Associate Director (Enterprise & Impact), Melbourne Centre for Cities
Jeff Olson, R.A.
Senior Advisor, Alta Planning
Mary Jane C. Ortega
Special Advisor, Y-PORT Center, City of Yokohama & Special Advisor, CITYNET
Elizabeth Ouma
Policy Advisor
Suchismita Pai
Freelance Writer, Women's Feature Service Contributor, UNESCO
Lincoln Paiva
President, Green Mobility
Mpho Parks Tau
Deputy Minister, Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
Sue Parnell
Global Challenges Professor of Human Geography at the University of Bristol and Emeritus Professor at the University of Cape Town
James Patterson-Waterston
Partner, McKinsey & Company
Peter Peltzer
Assistant Professor, Spatial Planning and Urban Futures, University of Utrecht
Rodrigo Perpetuo
Executive Secretary, ICLEI South America
Ayikai Poswayo
Program Director, Amend
Patricia Purcell
Senior Strategic Adviser, UN Global Compact
Khaled Rajab
National Strategy Advisor, Enabel
Anu Ramaswami
Professor, Director Sustainable Healthy Cities; Chadha Center for Global India
Lea Ranalder
Associate Programme Management Officer, Human Settlements, UN-Habitat
Rob Raven
Professor, Monash University
Mauricio Rodas
Visiting Scholar, University of Pennsylvania
Shirley Rodrigues
Deputy Mayor for Environment and Energy, City of London
Harald Rohracher
Professor of Technology and Social Change, Linkoping University
Rodrigo Rosa
Diego Rybski
Deputy Head, CCD Group, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
Libby Schaaf
Mayor, Oakland, USA
Seth Schultz
Global Executive Director, The Resilience Shift
Burucuhan Sener
International Cooperation Coordinator, Marmara Municipalities Union
Karen C. Seto
Frederick C. Hixon Professor of Geography and Urbanization Science, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Matti Siemiatycki
Professor and Director of the Infrastructure Institute, University of Toronto
Enrique Silva
Director of International and Institute-Wide Initiatives (i3), Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Jonathan Silver
Senior Research Fellow, University of Sheffield
Andrew Simmons
Director of Urban Innovation and Strategic Partnerships, Resilience Brokers
Özge Sivrikaya
International Cooperation Expert & SDG Ambassador
Caroline Skinner
Director, Urban Research, WIEGO
Abigail Stoltzfus
Programme Officer, World Habitat Awards
Gabriel Nii Teiko Tagoe
Chief Development Planner, Accra Metropolitan Assembly
Luis Quintanilla Tamez
Policy Analyst, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
André Telles
Celepar Innovation Advisor; VP of Smart Cities at ABINC_IOT
Bronwen Thornton
CEO, Walk21
Christina Y.P. Ting
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Jonas Torrens
Postdoctoral Researcher, Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development; Associate Fellow, Urban Futures Studio
Aytaç Ünverdi
Director, Civil Works Department, Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality
Maria Vassilakou
CEO, Vassilakou Urban Consulting GmbH
Sandro Vieira
Partner and Executive Director of World Trade Center, WTC Curitiba
Molly Webb
Founder, Energy Unlocked
Jeffrey Witte
Executive Director, Amend